- 一般投票{いっぱん とうひょう}で勝つ
win the popular vote 意味
- "win the oscar for best actress in a leading role" 意味
- "win the oscar for best animated feature film" 意味
- "win the palm" 意味
- "win the palme d'or at the cannes film festival" 意味
- "win the pennant" 意味
- "win the popular vote but lose the presidency" 意味
- "win the post of prime minister" 意味
- "win the preliminary matches in asia" 意味
- "win the presidency" 意味
- "win the palme d'or at the cannes film festival" 意味
- "win the pennant" 意味
- "win the popular vote but lose the presidency" 意味
- "win the post of prime minister" 意味